• SDTM001: An Introduction to the Study Data Tabulation Model
• SDTM002: SDTM Basics
• SDTM003: Basics of the SDTM Implementation Guide
• SDTM004: Special Purpose Domains: Demographics
• SDTM005: General Observation Classes
• SDTM006: Timing and Grouping Variables
• SDTM007: Controlled Terminology
• SDTM008: Interventions Domains
• SDTM009: Events Domains
• SDTM010: Findings Domains
• SDTM011: Findings About
• SDTM012: RELREC - Relating Records and Datasets in SDTM
• SDTM013: Supplemental Qualifiers
• SDTM014: Creating Custom Domains
• SDTM015: Trial Design
• SDTM016: Special Purpose Domains
• SDTM017: Define-XML
• SDTM018: New Interventions Domains in SDTMIG v3.2
• SDTM019: New Events Domains in SDTMIG v3.2
Modules 1-4
Learning Outcomes:
Explain the purpose of the CDISC Standards and SDTM
Locate and access the documentation for the current versions of SDTM-related documents
SDTM Module 1 is a FREE On-Demand module. Log into your learning account to access this training.
Language: English | Video Duration: 18:12 | CEUs: 0.1
Learning Outcomes:
• List the roles and correct order of SDTM variables
• Describe the basic data structures in SDTM
Language: English | Video Duration: 15:07| CEUs: 0.1
Learning Outcomes:
• Navigate the Implementation Guide Sections of the SDTMIG
• Demonstrate working knowledge of the Domain Table and Domain Assumptions and Examples in the SDTMIG
Language: English | Video Duration: 13:17 | CEUs: 0.1
Learning Outcomes:
• Describe the purpose and contents of the Demographics Domain in SDTM datasets
• Identify variables in the Demographics Domain
• Correctly assemble multiple entries for standard Demographics variables in an SDTM dataset
Language: English | Video Duration: 11:56| CEUs: 0.1
Modules 5-8
Learning Outcomes:
• General Observation Classes and the variable types of Identifier and Timing
• General Observation Classes – Topic variables
• General Observation Classes – Qualifier variables
• Introduction to Relationship and Trial Design Domains
Language: English | Video Duration: 22:42| CEUs: 0.1
Learning Outcomes:
• Correctly use times variables to store dates and other time-related data in SDTM datasets
• Format SDTM timing variables correctly and use relative timing variables where appropriate
Language: English | Video Duration: 49:39| CEUs: 0.1
Learning Outcomes:
• Deescribe how controlled terminology is used in SDTM datasets
• Locate references to controlled terms in the SDTM and SDTM IG documents
• Locate and implement SDTM controlled terminology file
Language: English | Video Duration: 24:00| CEUs: 0.1
Learning Outcomes:
• Successfully identify variables included in the Interventions General Observation Class
• Accurately explain how, when and why the three SDTM Interventions Domains variables are used in SDTM datasets
Language: English | Video Duration: 24:10 | CEUs: 0.1
Modules 9-12
Learning Outcomes:
• Successfully identify variables included in the Events General Observation Class Domains
• Accurately explain how, when and why the three Events Domains
Language: English | Video Duration: 27:03| CEUs: 0.1
Learning Outcomes:
• Successfully identify variables included in the Findings Domains
• Accurately explain how, when and why the ten Findings Domains
Language: English | Video Duration: 57:14 | CEUs: 0.1
Learning Outcomes:
• Successfully identify variables included in the Findings About Domains
• Accurately explain how, when and why the Findings About Domains
Language: English | Video Duration: 17:39 | CEUs: 0.1
Learning Outcomes:
• Successfully identify variables included in the RELREC dataset
• Correctly use RELREC to show collected relationships between individual records for a subject, and relationships between whole domains in SDTM datasets
Language: English | Video Duration: 13:04| CEUs: 0.1
Modules 13-16
Learning Outcomes:
• Correctly use Supplemental Qualifiers allow to add non-standard, sponsor-defined variables to our data in an SDTM dataset
• Correctly use Supplemental Qualifiers dataset structure to link to related data, and examples in an SDTM dataset
Language: English | Video Duration: 19:33| CEUs: 0.1
Learning Outcomes:
• Create a custom domain that uses the correct general observation class and correct variables from the SDTM model
Language: English | Video Duration: 13:31| CEUs: 0.1
Learning Outcomes:
• Represent a study design using the trial design datasets
Language: English | Video Duration: 28:25| CEUs: 0.1
Learning Outcomes:
• Design SE and SV domains that reflect the subjects’ participation in the trial
Language: English | Video Duration: 20:15| CEUs: 0.1
Modules 17-19
Learning Outcomes:
• Identify correct and incorrect characteristics of a simple SDTM define-xml describing datasets, variables and controlled terminology for a study
Language: English | Video Duration: 31:08| CEUs: 0.1
Learning Outcomes:
• Correctly use new SDTMIG v3.2 Events domains to model data
• Select the correct SDTMIG v3.2 events domain for use with select study data domains
• Correctly associate HO data with related AE or other data
Language: English | Video Duration: 24:00| CEUs: 0.1
Learning Outcomes:
- correctly use new SDTMIG v3.2 Events domains to model data
- select the correct SDTMIG v3.2 events domain for use with select study data domains
- correctly associate HO data with related AE or other data
Language: English | Video Duration: 8:05| CEUs: 0.1